Contour Your Body With a Brazilian Butt Lift

beautiful girl butt on in black panties Whether it’s genetics or aging, not everyone is happy with the shape of their buttocks. They can sag, be flat, or be undersized. A Brazilian butt lift augments and shapes the buttocks using your fat for a more pronounced, voluminous appearance.

It’s also not uncommon for a Brazilian butt lift to be performed with other body contouring procedures. Some common procedures performed with a Brazilian butt lift at West End Plastic Surgery include VASERlipo™, abdominoplasty, thigh lifts, or VASERsmooth™ cellulite reduction. The procedure is often a part of a Mommy Makeover.

What to Expect During Your Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

An incision will be made on the lower area of the buttock in an inconspicuous location. In most cases, though the incision may be extensive, the surgeons at West End Plastic Surgery will place it in a position that allows you to wear a bathing suit and current clothing styles without the scar being visible. All of the details are discussed during your initial consultation including the placement of the incision.

Fat is extracted from other areas of the body, such as the abdomen or thigh, using liposuction. The fat is purified and injected into the buttocks. The surgeon will shape the fat for a voluptuous, natural-looking contour, and excess skin maybe for a smoother result. In some cases, buttock implants may be necessary to further enhance results. Stitches close the incision, gauze dressings, and tape are applied over the surgical area and a compression garment is placed.

Risks Associated With Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Risks associated with Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery are rare, but some potential ones include,

  • Infection
  • Loss of sensation
  • Scarring
  • Asymmetry
  • Irregular pigmentation

These risks can be reduced by following the before and after-surgery care instructions.

Contact West End Plastic Surgery Today

West End Plastic Surgery, Washington D.C. is committed to helping its clients look and feel their best. Contact their Washington D.C. office online or call 202-785-4187 to schedule your consultation to learn more about a Brazilian butt-lift and the other procedures the center offers.


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