What Does a Non-Surgical Butt Lift Do?

Non sugical,Butt,Lifting,Sculptra,Concept.,Side,View,Of,Young,Woman A non-surgical Brazillian butt lift (BBL), AKA the “liquid butt lift,” is a modern spin on butt augmentation that allows you to enhance your posterior without the need for implants or invasive surgery. All it takes is a series of injections in our office, and you can achieve a fuller, shapely derrière. Thanks to the power of fillers — particularly Sculptra® and Radiesse — both men and women can enhance their buttocks without the downtime and complications of traditional surgical augmentation.

We are proud to provide the world’s first dermal filler liquid butt lift at our plastic surgery office in Washington, D.C. Our team is excited about the opportunities this treatment presents for patients, and we want to help you learn everything you need to know about non-surgical BBLs to discover if this is the treatment you’ve been looking for!

How a Non-Surgical BBL Works

The magic of a non-surgical BBL lies in dermal filler. Sculptra® and Radiesse are used off-label to add volume and contour to the buttocks. Hyaluronic acid formulas offer a biocompatible, safe way to enhance the size, shape, and contour of your buttocks without the need for surgery. When injected into the skin, it stimulates collagen production, leading to improved skin elasticity and volume over time. Say goodbye to extensive bruising, swelling, discomfort, and post-op worries, and say hello to a fuller, more voluminous posterior that makes you feel more confident in your body. It also

Limited Time Offer: Enjoy $750 off your non-surgical BBL treatment in 2024! Email vanessa@westendplasticsurgery.com or call 202.785.4187 today.

What a Non-Surgical Butt Lift Can Do

There is far more to non-surgical butt augmentation than simply creating a larger posterior. Non-surgical BBLs can effectively:

  • Create subtle volume to enhance symmetry
  • Contour the buttocks for perfect roundness
  • Removes hip dips
  • Reduce the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks, and dimples

For anyone looking to lift, sculpt, and tone their buttocks without surgery, our experienced medical injectors can help. Thanks to the safety of dermal fillers, more patients than ever can enhance their posteriors without the need for invasive treatment.

As a bonus, the use of dermal filler for butt augmentation can be more affordable than a surgical BBL. And because the results are temporary and dissolvable upon request, you can try the liquid approach to buttocks enhancement with fewer risks and worries about not liking the end result!

Schedule a Consult Today!

All of our providers are offering in-person and virtual non-surgical BBL consults. Contact West End Plastic Surgery in Washington, D.C., today to arrange your appointment! We can’t wait to speak with you.


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