How to Choose the Right Size of Breasts for Your Body

Breast Implants Washington, D.C. Breast implants are a great way to enhance your body’s appearance and help you feel like a million bucks. But once you have decided to get a breast augmentation, the next thing you have to decide (with the help of our staff at West End Plastic Surgery) is what size of implants are best for you and your body. So, where do you even begin?

Look at Photos

This step may sound a bit amateur, but we have found it to be beneficial. Before you come into our office for your initial consultation, look at pictures online of people who have similar body figures as yourself and then try to find people who have the size of breasts that you want. That way when you come into our office, we will have a point of reference.

3D Imaging

One thing that we offer here at West End Plastic Surgery that a lot of other offices don’t is 3D imaging. By taking a picture of yourself and then photoshopping images of different sized breasts into the picture, we can create a 3D image for you to look at which will essentially help you to see what size of breasts will be good for your body’s frame.

Try Them On

To help our patients choose the right size of breast implant is we let them try on different size implants.  These are temporary silicone implants that come in different sizes and can be placed into a stretchable bra so that you can visualize how your breasts will look under your clothes.

There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all when it comes to breast implants. We make it our goal to ensure that our patients get the result they want the first time around. This is why we emphasize the importance of choosing the exact size of breasts that you want. With these tools and our expertise, we know that you will feel happy with your end result.

Are you ready to learn more about breast implants? Schedule a consultation at our Washington DC office today and call us at 202-785-4187.


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