The Science of Wrinkles (And What to Do About Them)

wrinkles treatment Medically speaking, wrinkles are known as rhytids, but we often call them by where they appear on our bodies — crow’s feet around the eyes, bunny lines around the nose, worry lines on the forehead. No matter the type, you likely want to know the best wrinkle treatment to give you naturally smooth skin.

There is nothing wrong with wrinkles or the signs of aging, but we understand that these skin changes can take a toll on your self-confidence. Read on to learn more about how wrinkles form, and some of our top recommendations for addressing them based on your skin, age, and preferences.

How Wrinkles Form

Wrinkles are caused by natural aging. More specifically, wrinkles form as collagen breaks down. By age 50, some people have as much as 50% less collagen than they did when they were younger.

Collagen is responsible for skin elasticity, along with elastin, another protein. Lower levels cause looser, sagging skin that can cause telltale creases and pronounced folds.

Most people first notice wrinkles emerge in places where their faces move often — expressions like smiling, frowning, and scowling can all cause fine lines to form with age.

Genetics also play a role in wrinkle formation. Up to 60% of a person’s wrinkle formation can be attributed to their genes. However, lifestyle factors play a significant role, too. You can prevent wrinkles by avoiding excessive sun exposure, tanning, heavy alcohol consumption, and smoking.

What Are the Best Wrinkle Treatments?

Wrinkles are inevitable — and they’re also the most common reason people seek plastic surgery. Over the years, dozens of procedures have emerged that offer great results and the ability to customize care for each patient’s needs.

There are both surgical and non-surgical wrinkle treatments available. Surgically, procedures like a facelift, blepharoplasty, and neck lift can dramatically reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Non-surgical options, like injectables, microneedling, laser treatments, and chemical peels, offer patients an easy way to address their skin concerns with little to no downtime or invasive procedures.

For patients 45 and older, surgical procedures may offer greater results because of their skin laxity (sagging). Adults in their 20s-30s can benefit from preventative, non-surgical treatments and a healthy lifestyle that naturally prevents excessive wrinkle formation.

Get Personalized Treatment For Wrinkles in Washington, D.C.

At West End Plastic Surgery, we pride ourselves on bringing our patients the most compassionate, individual care.

Drs. Paul G. Ruff IV, Lauren Patrick, Catherine Hannan, and Lexie Wang understand that beauty is far more than skin-deep. They are highly trained in all types of plastic surgery and always go above and beyond to make sure their patients look and feel their best.

Please request a consultation with one of our esteemed plastic surgeons by calling 202-785-4187. You can also complete our online contact form.


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