The Surprising Effects a Neck Lift Can Have on Your Face

Beautiful,Middle,Aged,Woman,Looking,At,Mirror,And,Touching,Her A neck lift (platysmaplasty) can eliminate sagging skin and excess fat on your neck. It also tightens the platysma muscle, which is the muscle that controls movement in your lower face. A facelift is often the first surgical procedure most people consider when rejuvenating their face, but a neck lift can also be beneficial. Tightening the underlying muscles, removing excess tissue, and creating contour around the jawline can refresh your appearance.

At West End Plastic Surgery in Washington, D.C., we offer neck lifts from experienced plastic and reconstructive surgeons who can help you attain your aesthetic goals.

How Is a Neck Lift Performed?

We begin every neck lift procedure with an initial consultation. During this appointment, your surgeon will discuss your aesthetic goals and explore the potential treatment options. For patients whose primary concern is a double chin, your surgeon may suggest KYBELLA™ injections as a non-surgical alternative to a neck lift.

After ensuring you have realistic goals about what a neck lift can achieve, your surgeon will determine the best time for you to receive a neck lift and proceed with scheduling your appointment for surgery.

You may go under general or local anesthesia, depending on what you and your surgeon prefer. After making an incision under the chin, your surgeon will tighten the underlying muscles and remove excess tissues and skin as necessary. The incision is closed with sutures, and you will have bandages and drains placed that are generally removed the day after surgery. We will discuss aftercare instructions and a recovery timeframe during your consultation and before your procedure.

Benefits of a Neck Lift

The benefits of having a neck lift include:

  • Smoother and firmer skin around your neck.
  • A more streamlined profile.
  • Enhanced jawline definition
  • Improved facial contour

Schedule a Neck Lift Consultation in D.C.

West End Plastic Surgery serves Washington, D.C., and the surrounding DMV area. To learn more about a neck lift, please arrange a consultation to speak with one of the experienced plastic surgeons on our team.

To arrange your initial consultation appointment, please call our office at 202-785-4187 or contact us online.


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