Mommy Makeover: How To Feel Like Yourself Again After Children

mommy makeover Having children is a beautiful experience, and it can be incredible to see how your body can create and sustain new life. That being said, pregnancy takes a toll on the body, and it can be difficult and tiring to get back to feeling like yourself again. While all of the changes to your body can be a reminder of what your body is capable of, it is a source of insecurity for some. A mommy makeover is an all-in-one solution for addressing your concerns.

How Pregnancy Affects the Body

Pregnancy affects the body in many different ways. When you are carrying your child, the abdominal muscles will begin to separate and weaken, caused by the additional weight and pressure of the child. This added weight will also stretch the stomach’s skin and cause stretch marks.

To prepare the body for breastfeeding, you will also notice that your breasts will grow in size. After you have finished breastfeeding your child, the lost volume from the milk can leave your breasts seemingly loose.

How Can a Mommy Makeover Make Your Body Feel Like Yours Again?

Exercise and a healthy diet are great for your health and can aid in weight loss after childbirth. However, the separation of the abdominal muscles, loose excess skin, and some stubborn fat deposits may only be repaired with surgical procedures.

Some women suffer from diastasis recti (separation of the 6-pack muscles) after pregnancy which is almost impossible to repair without surgery. It’s a common occurrence after pregnancies when the abdomen has to expand to accommodate pregnancy. Because the tissue between the muscles has been permanently stretched, no amount of exercise will restore the shape of the abdomen. The separation can make a person’s belly stick out or bulge. During a Tummy Tuck, the muscles of the abdomen are tightening while also removing excess skin and fat for more comprehensive aesthetic rejuvenation. This results in a smoother, flatter, and more toned abdomen.

Childbirth is an amazing process, but it can also feel like your body is no longer yours. A study on the “Predictors of Mothers’ Postpartum Body Dissatisfaction” found that mothers’ satisfaction with their bodies worsened from one month postpartum to nine months. They concluded that it’s important to educate mothers on the changes to their bodies postpartum and to find ways to enhance their self-esteem and body satisfaction.

By providing mommy makeovers, which combine a variety of procedures focused on the areas most affected by pregnancy, mothers are able to feel like their body is once again their own.

Schedule a Consultation

Becoming a mother is a wonderful experience, but it is also a difficult one, both emotionally and physically. That’s why you deserve to feel confident and return to your pre-pregnancy body if you choose. The professionals at West End Plastic Surgery specialize in mommy makeover procedures in Washington, D.C. Contact their office today at (202) 785-4187 or request a consultation online.


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