New Year, New You: What you should know about a Mommy Makeover

The countdown to the New Year is on, so why not get start off a new decade with a new you and get your pre-pregnancy body back? Consider a consultation with the skilled team at West End Plastic Surgery to discuss a combo procedure called a “Mommy Makeover.” Here are some common questions about this increasingly popular procedure:

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Pregnancy and childbirth can wreak havoc on a woman’s body, leaving behind loose skin, stretch marks, sagging breasts, damaged abdominal muscles and more. And diet and exercise doesn’t always restore the look you desire. The Mommy Makeover is an all-in-one procedure usually combines a tummy tuck, breast augmentation (with or without a breast lift), and often liposuction and other procedures—even vaginal rejuvenation.

Is a Mommy Makeover only for moms?

Women who have had children aren’t the only ones who can benefit from a Mommy Makeover. As women age, lost breast volume and sagging abdominal skin can happen to anyone, not just women who have had children.

What if I’m not done having children?

Women who have waited at least six months after giving birth to their last child, are in good health, have a positive outlook and realistic expectations make good candidates for this surgery as multiple procedures are involved. If you’re not finished having children, it’s not a good idea to get surgery as further pregnancy and childbirth will undo all the work

What happens during the consultation with the surgeon?

During your consultation, your surgeon will listen to your concerns and wants and outline how the surgery would be performed and what happens before, during and after the procedure and what recovery would look like.

What does recovery look like with combination procedures?

One of the benefits of having an all-in-one surgery is having a single recovery period. Depending on the extent of the surgery, recovery takes about 4 to 6 weeks. Results will slowly emerge as swelling and bruising subside, but it can take several months before you see final results.

If you’re interested in getting a Mommy Makeover in Washington, D.C., call our office at 202-785-4187 to schedule a consultation.


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