The Basics of a Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover | West End Plastic Surgery | Washington, D.C. There’s no doubt about it: being a mother is one of the greatest joys and experiences in the world. And although there is nothing quite as wonderful as motherhood, if we are being honest, pregnancy and breastfeeding can also turn your body into somewhat of a war zone. From deflated breasts to a loose stomach, if there’s anything real about motherhood, it’s your body. If you wish that you could experience the joys of motherhood without all of the damage to your body, it might be time to consider a mommy makeover from West End Plastic Surgery.

What’s a Mommy Makeover?

No, a mommy makeover isn’t an opportunity for your toddler to give you a makeover. A mommy makeover is a combination of surgical procedures to help restore your body to its pre-body state. Surgical options include a tummy tuck, liposuction, breast lift, breast augmentation, and even vaginal rejuvenation.

Why Is it Popular?

One of the biggest reasons why a mommy makeover is popular is that typically we can perform the combination of surgeries in just one or two operations. This means less recovery and surgery time for you. Plus, because patients are addressing several areas of concerns, they are typically happier with their results than if they would have just gotten one surgery.

How Do I Know Which Surgeries Are Best for Me?

“How do I tell which combination of surgeries is best for my body?” This is one of the biggest questions patients have about the mommy makeover. During your initial consultation, we will not only perform a physical examination but we will go over all of your surgical options to help create a customized surgical plan.

Schedule a Consultation

Having the perfect body after having a baby (or babies) can seem impossible to achieve. With a mommy makeover from West End Plastic Surgery, we can help you get back your body and your self-esteem. To learn more about a mommy makeover or to schedule your consultation, call our Washington DC office at 202-785-4187.


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