How to prepare for laser hair reduction

If you’re ready to be done with shaving, waxing, tweezing and other methods to remove unwanted hair, then laser hair reduction may be right for you. It’s a common cosmetic procedure that used pulsed laser energy to beam light directly into hair follicles. The pigment in the follicle absorbs the light, which then destroys the hair. Here are six ways to prepare for laser hair reduction.

Avoid waxing and tweezing before treatment. You’ll be asked to refrain from waxing, tweezing, even bleaching the hair you want to remove for three or more weeks before your first treatment. You will need to shave right before your appointment, either the morning of or the night before your laser hair reduction. Men will need to have the closest possible shave.

Please tell us about all your medications. If you’re on antibiotics or other medications that could interfere with treatment, you will need to be off of them for some time before starting laser hair removal. You must stop using any products containing Alpha or Beta Hydroxyl acids, Retinol or Retin A for up to five days before treatment.

Stay out of the sun. You will want to avoid sunbathing, tanning beds and even sunless tanners for 4-6 weeks before starting your treatment and for two weeks after treatment. Also wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher that protects against both UVA and UVB rays, both before and after treatment.

Drink your water. Hydrated skin can tolerate more energy, which makes treatments safe and more effective.

You may have some redness or minor discomfort after the treatment. Redness is normal and should subside in just a few hours after laser hair reduction. For any discomfort, you can use a cool cloth or gel ice pack on the area to relieve pain.

You will probably need multiple treatments. Because hair grows in three stages, laser hair reduction is effective on follicles in the full-growth stage. For maximum results, you may need to return for three or more treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

If you are interested in learning more about laser hair reduction and live in the Washington, D.C., area, call our office at 202-785-4187 to schedule a consultation.


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