You Get Ingrown Hairs
If you are notorious for getting ingrown hairs on your bikini area, your underarms, or anywhere else on your body, then you may want to consider waxing. Waxing is one of the fastest ways to get rid of ingrown hairs because it actually pulls the hairs from the follicle which can prevent ingrown hairs from happening. And as long as you keep it up, you shouldn’t have to worry about those pesky hairs coming back anytime soon.
You Get Razor Burn
Another reason why you may want to ditch your razor and try professional waxing is if you get razor burn. Razor burn can be caused by a variety of things including a dirty razor, dry skin, or just even sensitive skin altogether. By creating itching and burning bumps across your skin, razor burn isn’t something that anyone wants to experience. When you wax, however, we can get rid of any and all razor burn because we don’t use a razor at all; it’s as simple as that.
You Are Sick of Shaving
One of the downfalls of shaving is that many people have to shave either every day or every other day to maintain results. With waxing, however, you won’t have to get waxed for at least two weeks on average which means that you get to spend less time shaving and more time doing whatever else in the morning before work.
Schedule a Consultation
Do you want to schedule your first waxing session? Contact our Washington D.C. office today and give us a call at 202-785-4187.