Previous Cosmetic Surgery Revision in Washington D.C.

If you are dissatisfied with the results of a previous cosmetic or reconstructive surgery procedure, our board-certified plastic surgeons at West End Plastic Surgery in Washington, D.C., can help you to realize the results you seek in a caring and compassionate manner. Plastic surgery that ends with unacceptable results is associated with regret, depression, and compromised self-esteem. This is everything that plastic surgery is intended to avoid. Unfortunately, even a perfectly performed procedure does not mean a perfect result.

Previous Cosmetic Surgery Revision Washington DC

We’re as thrilled with our patients’ results as they are. Check out our before-and-after photo gallery and see for yourself the kind of work our talented surgeons do.

Our Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Paul G. Ruff, Dr. Lexie Wang, and Dr. Amir Arsalan, are experts in revision plastic and reconstructive surgery. Our office is conveniently located in Georgetown and is a quick drive from Northern Virginia, Maryland, and nearby cities such as Potomac, McLean, and Alexandria. Three international airports in the metropolitan region also offer easy access from anywhere in the nation and the world.

During your private consultation in his Washington, D.C., cosmetic surgery office, you and our surgeons will meet to discuss your concerns. After examination, they will share their ideas and options to repair your previous procedure, including anesthetic options, recovery time, and risks. If further surgery is required, you will feel comfortable with the discreet care provided at our AAAASF-certified surgical suite.

Please review the procedure(s) on this website that pertains to your previous surgery for information about our practice. View our before and after pictures to see our results. Then call us at 202-785-4187 to schedule your personal consultation. You’ll be glad you did!


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Office Hours

Monday: 8am-5pm
Tuesday: 8am-7pm
Wednesday: 8am-5pm
Thursday: 8am-7pm
Friday: 8am-6pm
Saturday: 9am-5pm
Sunday: Closed

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